Sunday, March 22, 2009

Many Lives , Many Masters

There are some books which we read and we think this is absolutely bogus and what a waste of time and energy. But some books really capture your imagination , there are so many things in this world which we don't have an answer.
For example the Pyramids and particularly the Giza took 22 years to complete, but based on the number of stones there, a stone has to be moved every 9 seconds to ensure that it is complete in 22 years. We are talking about people who didn't have much idea of writing ( so obviously not much in planning !!). So who built it , it is still a mystery.
I happened to hear good reviews about this book and I try to get it from the library but this book was damaged so they no longer circulate this book. So I went to the next best option , to go to Borders and get an idea of what this book is about and what I can learn from this book.
I finished the book in 2 hrs :). Its totally 200+ plus pages, but really a page turner. I started to read the book and was fascinated by the stories and very elegant writing by the Author. Brian Weiss, the Author of this series is a very distinguished Psychologist , jewish , father of two kids (one kid who died in 23 days after birth) , an intelligent wife (Not only his wife , but she helps him during his sessions and also a social worker).

The Premise of the book is simple, a patient goes and see a psychologist and she says she has Trauma , bad dreams and unable to concentrate. So the Doctor gives her the usual treatment and then puts her into Hypnosis. The Girls name is Catherine. She is a Catholic girl , who had a abusive father and her parents got married because her mother became pregnant and had to marry. So that resentment was always there with the father.

Catherine is the heroine of the story, she starts to tell about all the abuses that were happening when she was little , including the fact that the father was touching "down there" when she was 3 and when the house was on fire , he asked his daughter to go and get his collection of Stamps. Which she justifies saying it is a good move , because I am faster.

In a simple world this would be the end of the story, but this is not simple and catherine is not a simple girl. When she talks about her past , she recollects something way way in the past. She was talking about her previous dimensions in the planet.
The following are the observations which are quite remarkable

  • Catherine says totally she has had 87 births or janmams in this earth.
  • Catherine is Catholic and she has no idea or re-birth and she does not subscribe to that fact nor she has even talked to anyone about this.
  • In the Old Testament there were passages which talked about rebirth , but they were taken out (because the victor always writes history!!).
  • The thoughts in her mind are not consistent , she travels back in time as if she is travelling from New york to New jersey.
  • In Most of her time , she has always been either a maid or a servant or an army soldier. No cleopatra or Napolean !!! . This begs us the question where would they be now.
  • The people she is sorrunded now are the same people who are there with her in her previous births (this part is the most disturbing item for me).
  • The most important part of her talk (during hypnosis) she talks about her previous dimensions and then she dies, whe she dies she is waiting for her masters. These Masters are the ones which we really define as god. We cannot define how many masters are there or how they work or when do they come to us or how do they cater to certain people. But one thing is certain , there are lot of colors when you die.
  • Almost all her stories have a wedding , poverty and death. This actually makes us feel how much we have grown in 21st century atleast we eliminated one of the evils.
  • Catherine has clear view in her past life of all for all persons she has met , but in her current form she is not married , and she is not able to see her husband clearly.
Catherine story confirms the First law of Thermodynamics , "Energy is neither created nor destroyed but can be transformed". Our soul is basically the energy level and our body is just a temporary place for it to transform. This process goes on forever.

There was a question asked to Sri Sri Ravishankar , based on the theory that if rebirth is because of energy transformation , we have so many people in this world , but there were far less people earlier , how did that happen. Sri Sri had an excellent reply, "its only energy, not people there are so many places where animals are dying , birds , insects are going completly out of existence, they all in the next birth can become humans".

The Actual crux of the story happens in the middle , because after sometime the story becomes monotonus , she will be a maid or a grandmom or a soldier and will be witnessing a wedding or she will be in deathbed. Once she dies her energy is moved up and then it waits for the transformation and coming back , this is where our Hinduism comes into picture.

Whatever things we didn't do completly or what we deserve we will get it in our next birth. It doesn't matter that you will not have any idea whether you were a monster or a gentleman in the current birth, you still carry your luggage from previous births.

When you are waiting for your turn, the masters are the ones who address the soul , they take each and every birth to identify what would have happened differently to make things different. For example , in one birth she says I should have been more forgiving. In another, I should be more demanding answers for war , because War is never an answer etc.

Plato, the fifth century Athenian philosopher , who devised the platonic view , which goes like this "Knowledge is recollection and he also believed that soul was immaterial and existed before it inhabited a body". When Human beings came to know something , it is because our souls knew before they were embodied.

Reading this book reminded me of the movie which I saw. The Movie is "Groundhog Day", this movie I saw because it happens near Pittsburgh( I Lived in Pittsburgh at that time).

Basically the movie has one theme , everyday is a groundhog day for the hero till he becomes a good human being at least for a day.

Our live is a bigger version of this, we go on and on till we get it correct. Also there are no strangers in our lives, all the people you meet where with you in your earlier birth.

Sounds dumb , but I cannot prove or disprove it. May be I should go for Hypnosis.

Imponderable Questions

These questions have always really bothered me , not sure if someone can provide answers

1 ) Why does it take more to fly from east coast to west coast ,and less while returning ?

2 ) From Trenton Train Station to Philly Airport it is $9 , but when returning it is $10. Why ??

3 ) In my IPOD , I subscribe to a podcast and create a smart list for that podcast so that I can hear it continuously but if I start hearing a podcast I have to complete it , I cannot delete that forever , even in Itunes , why ???

4 ) Apple vs Microsoft Ads , sure Apple is better in ads, one ad is excellent , 2 is fine , 5 is ok , but even now ? common guys most Apple users are geeks or nerds and if your advertising only involves bashing Microsoft , trust me you are degrading yourself

5 ) Why is Seinfeld funny now also ?
6 ) How come women travel such a long distance to cut their hair and with only their special hairstylist eventhough they hardly cut some strands. (and why is it so expensive!!).
7 ) What Highlights compliment me ??